Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to... Ask a Woman Out on a Date

How to ask a woman out on a date is one of the most asked questions in the world. Virtually every man has at one time or another sought advice on how to ask a woman out on a date from his friends, family, or colleagues. Some men are more successful than others at this venture and in all reality its hard to determine why they are more successful than average. In this article we are going to look at some simple easy things you can do to at least level the playing field if not tip it in your favor.

You must always be prepared to approach a woman and ask her out on a date. This means you need to be able to put your best foot forward on the spot. Every time you walk out of the house you should try to look your best. Your physical appearance is not so important as the attention you give to make yourself look presentable in public. You never know where you are going to meet that special woman you want to ask out on a date.

Nice clothes and fresh breath are a good start in showing you care about yourself when you ask a woman out on a date. I'm not talking about expensive clothes here. A two-hundred dollar suit looks just as nice as a thousand dollar suit to most of us. Dental hygiene is a must. How are you going to have the confidence to get close to the object of your attraction if you are not confident she won't gag from your breath? Cologne is helpful as well but make sure not to over do it. Many women are allergic to some of the compounds found in men's cologne today and trust me, they are not going to be interested when you ask them out on a date if they start sneezing and their nose starts to running. So be careful with the cologne. As a good reference to go by if you can smell your cologne strongly after thirty minutes, your probably using to much.

Plan your opening conversation lines in a mirror and watch your body language. Do you look tense? Relaxed? Amused? Worried? Try and go for a relaxed amused look and you will certainly generate interest when first talking to the woman you want to ask out on a date. Remember, everyone loves to be complimented. Flattery is not the best option though if the woman of your affections has any intelligence about her though. Most people have a gut feeling when someone is trying to flatter them and it instinctively pushes them away. Body language is a subject you should study in depth if you think this might be a problem for you. Compliments and/or humor are great conversation starters, just make sure your humor is actually funny.

Women like assertive men, not aggressive men. Asking a woman out on a date is like fishing. Teasing the fish is the best way to get a nibble while making a sudden move will probably cause them to flee. Talking is the key to asking any woman out on a date. Discover her likes and dislikes and plan a date with those in mind.


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