Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to... Get a woman's phone number

How to... Get a woman's phone number
Rid yourself of any doubts. Forget those other times when you were rejected or you traded phone numbers but never heard from her again. Get it in your head that you WILL eventually succeed, and start walking towards her like she's a friend you've known for years. Stand straight, smile casually (not a big stupid grin) and get ready to speak clearly to her. If she makes eye contact, look right back at her as you walk up and do not look away. (Don't stare like you're some creep either, you'll freak her out!) Making eye contact and walking up to her like you've known her forever shows confidence.

When you get within speaking distance, say something casual to her. Nothing stupid, nothing funny, just something ordinary. Now, you want to get her talking about what she likes to do, so that you can offer to join her. Of course, if she replies with something that doesn't interest you, consider moving on. You don't want to be with someone that doesn't interest you, BUT there may be other things that she enjoys doing that you also happen to like, so it's your call on that one.

• Say something like "so, how's your day going?" She'll probably reply with something like "good, how's yours?" to which you can reply/ask her, "Good, but I'd rather be (your favorite activity)." This will almost always get a conversation going. Usually after you say this she'll either agree with you that doing your activity would be more fun, OR she'll state what she would rather be doing instead. Either way, you are now free to invite her to hang out with you and do the activity. For example, if she says she would rather be at the beach getting a tan, say "oh yeah, I haven't been there in a month or so myself. Would you like to hang out sometime and do that?"

• If she agrees that your activity is more fun, just say something like "well, would you care to join me next time I go?"

If she agrees to accompany you, ask her if she'd like to trade phone numbers, or offer her yours, or you could ask for hers. Choose whichever one seems right to you at the time. You could also agree when to call or meet again. That makes it easier on both of you.

Be realistic. This either works or it doesn't. Either she'll agree to meet with you sometime or she won't. If not, keep your spirits up and say goodbye just as nicely as if she had agreed. You might see her again, and that time she might be available.5

Do this wherever you go. You've got nothing to fear or lose, it's simply a friendly conversation. The worst that can happen is her not being interested in hanging out with you

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