Buying jewelry is one of the most difficult subjects when it comes to men’s styling. The problem with accessorizing stems from the idea that rings, chains, and bracelets are designed and worn by women, and women alone.
This is an opinion that’s slowly changing with the times, and we’re beginning to discover, more and more, that men are capable of wearing more than just a wedding band whilst still retaining a stylish edge.
The Key to Accessorising
The big secret when it comes to success in the jewellery department is our old favourite – keeping things as simple as possible. Where men often fail in this regard is going overboard too quickly; experimentation is all well and good, but don’t stray too far from the well-worn path, before you know what suits you.
Resist the urge for sparking diamonds and alluring sapphires. While women have the ‘semi precious stone’ market covered, men should stay well clear. Naturally, this doesn’t mean you must resort to dull, lifeless bands. From the lustrous sheen of Cobalt to the eternal glimmer of titanium, men are able to experiment far more easily with metals than their feminine counterparts. Whereas women look glamorous in lighter metals like silver and gold, the genetic advantage of larger handed males means we can experiment with harsher toned alloys more easily.
Remember to avoid wearing a band on your ring finger; that particular digit is reserved for a wedding ring, so unless you want to be mistaken for a married man choose a different finger for your fashion jewelry.
Unsurprisingly, restraint is what’s called for in this department. Metal rope chains have a tendency to lose all glamour when scaled up – sure, clunky bangles can be worn as a statement piece; just be careful to use restraint and not go overboard with the wrist candy.
Remember, thinner wrists can actually benefit from the widening illusion that larger bracelets give; those with a svelte joints should look for something fairly robust without being too chunky. Naturally, this doesn’t mean you should go ‘all out’, simply that something a little more substantial will thicken out your frame.
Still, always be weary of heavy-duty centurion arm shields; these are become a definite no-no when you start losing more of your wrist to fabric than you can afford. Also resist the urge to go crazy with the hard-rockin’ satanic vibe; once again, keep thinking ‘simple and subtle’ when it comes to your wrist bands and ‘skull’ jewelry.
When it comes to chains & necklaces, always think simple, clean and traditional. Male chains tend to be constructed slightly thicker than their feminine counterparts, so don’t assume you’ve got to buy the heaviest looking piece you can find to inflate your man ego!
Try to scale the chain with your own frame; if you’ve got a thick neck, larger links and thicker bands will appear more proportional than delicate alternatives. Crosses and other religious iconography are fine, but wacky symbols and novelty designs should be shunned the vast majority of the time – as always, nobody needs to see your affinity for sports teams or animated shows.
Always think about skin tone when purchasing necklaces. Guys with darker skin won’t have the same level of contrast with a black leather, and medium olive complexions will find the same difficulty with anything tan. Try to find a suitable balance that neither stands out, nor blends too finely.
Always a controversial area; pierced ears, nipples and belly-buttons aren’t exactly corporate friendly, although they’re slowly making inroads. When it comes to wearing piercings at work, always follow the adage “where in doubt, take it out”.
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