Thursday, October 14, 2010

Do's and Don'ts... One Night Stand

There are occurrences in life that we tend to gloat about and regret simultaneously! Sometimes theses occurrences are planned and sometimes there are not. Sometimes we completely forget about these occurrences the night morning. These occurrences that I speak of are the dreaded but sometimes breathtaking, One-Night Stand! Listed below are ways that can help you during these "occurrences".

Do's and DON'T of a ONE-Night Stand. . . 

Rule # 1: DO use a condom!

Rule # 2: DON'T have a one-night in the dark. . you never know what you're getting yourself into!

Rule # 3: DON'T have a one-night with someone that you see everyday.

Rule # 4: DO become involved with this "activity" at your house if your conquest is seeing someone else! ( You don't want to have a drama-filled night when you could have had a lust-filled night!)

Rule # 5: DON'T spend the night! (To avoid an awkward morning)

Rule # 6: DO keep your clothes by the bed for a quick getaway, if you DO spend the night.

Rule # 7: DON'T become involved with someone that your friend is interested in or already seeing!

Rule # 8: DON'T call the conquest the next day!

Rule # 9: DON'T use names if you are unfamiliar with it!

Rule # 10: DON'T try to compare with other one-night stands if you want to further the relationship!

Hopefully, this will help you men to allow yourself to get through that night without any bruises to your body or self-esteem!!!


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